
July 2023

** I AM URGENTLY LOOKING FOR ANY PAID JOB ! **    It can be of any type, in any field/industry, at any level. I can start immediately. I can work for any amount of hours per week, and I am available 24/7/365 to work. I currently reside in Canterbury (Kent, UK), but can relocate to anywhere in the UK/world. Pay should be at least minimum living wage.


• My interdisciplinary knowledge and skills (tens of thousands of hours over 10+ years) are broadly applicable to any domain. I worked on optimising resources, processes, and value.

• Data / Analysis / Research / Scientific (Biosciences, Neuro-topics, Medical/Health, Psychological, Human Economics, Generalist): data collection from data sources and humans (in lab-based and naturalistic settings); integration of qualitative & quantitative metrics; data processing; modelling; publishing; solving difficult problems; iterative developments via meta-processes.

• Communication: I wrote hundreds of articles, literature reviews, and reports. All my activities involved verbally interacting one-to-one and delivering presentations to small and large groups, in-person and online, with individuals from a range of backgrounds. I also designed 2D/3D images and produced audio-video media. My dissemination has had international outreach and impact.

• Administrative tasks: note-transcribing in meetings, coordinating events, networking, organisational management, ensuring legal data compliance, etc.

• ICT/Computing: I have advanced competence (daily use over the last 15+ years) in all Microsoft and Google programs (text editors, databases, etc.), building websites & apps, troubleshooting specialist hardware & software, and using high-level computational tools (inferential statistics, programming). I also implemented artificial intelligence tools in several projects.

• I am fully fluent in English and French.

• I can also do physical manual labour that requires being actively fit and strong, and I have a car driver's licence.


• MSc Neuroscience (cognitive-behavioural, clinical, imaging, computational), KCL - King's College London (Distinction) [2018-2020].

• BSc Biomedical Sciences (molecular biochemistry, physiological systems, human studies, psychiatry, methods), UCL - University College London (2:1) [2013-2016]. 

• I did short online courses in sociological studies (business, law, policy) and engineering sciences [2016-2018, 2020-2021].

• I have A-Levels/equivalent (3 A* 2 A) in sciences and humanities subjects [pre-2010].


• Ambassador, Scientific Communicator, Academic Project Contributor; KCL - King's College London [Oct 2019 - Jun 2022, part-time, paid; with some voluntary work during 2018-2019 and 2022-2023].

• Researcher/Developer (Computational), Content Producer, Founder/Director; MNT - Multidisciplinary Neuroscientific Technologies [Nov 2017 - present, part-time].

• I also pursued support, contributor, and tutoring roles, in other organisations (in industry, businesses, universities, schools, and community/sports centres) [2006-2023].

--- CONTACT ME ---

via direct message on this website, by email ( and, by phone (0730 8080 771)

• Via one or more of my email addresses ([MS Outlook]: @.onmic, @.kcl, @.ucl,, @.mnt; [Google accounts]: gmail/gsuite (hfm, hm, mnt); other); and/or my phone (ending in 771); and/or through my social networking profiles as public comments on my posts or private DMs. {note: I will only try to reply if I am interested and/or have the time!}


• Further details:

• Visual portfolio:

• Videos of me communicating:


• See info as listed at .

# last update: July 2023 

July 2021

(edit: --- )

Hi all!

This notice is for anyone it relates to. This includes anyone with whom I have interacted with in the past, either face-to-face in-person or online via teleconferencing (or otherwise); or if you are new to this. You may also have been redirected from other sources to here.

I just wanted to post a reminder update since the last main updates and shared information I uploaded during these periods: May 2021, Jan 2021, Sep 2020, Apr 2020, Dec 2019, and all previous times in 2019, 2018, and 2017.

For more information, remember to go to the relevant content found at the following weblinks: / --- Projects (associated with Multidisciplinary Neuroscientific Technologies Ltd), some of which relate to open-access data-driven human-based interactive scientific research experiments in computational & cognitive neurobiological sciences and future trends; please do engage and participate in these as explained earlier. --- For some of my work related to King's College London, with regards to optimising learning and living experiences, for people from diverse neuropsychological profiles. These relate to interconnections, interactions, communications, informatics, processes and protocols that people can be engaged in. --- Be part of a community within a vibrant and active internationally-reaching e-ecosystem that promotes educational content related to interdisciplinary sciences. --- This is for reference information only, and for social and professional networking; you may also find me on diverse forums for one-on-one communications.

Please read the information and realise that much of this is still in development, although a lot of progress and impact is being made.

Harry Muzart

Go to ...

January 2021

I have migrated most of my content since 2016, to the new google site platform.

Dec 2019

I will be available at events over next few month, as pusuing

Aug 2019


I have set-up all. 

Go to these