Scientific Research Interests and Current Projects/Works


I love learning new ideas and skills.

For the last 10 years, I have gained a much greater passion for a wide range of disciplines, but especially Clinical Neurological Sciences, and Cognitive & Behavioural Neurosciences – both of these subjects being very important to me, due to personal experiences I have gone through, and those are very empowering to learn about. Computational modelling of these is also a recent interest of mine.

For the next 20 years, I'm aiming to do postdoc work in Neurosciences (in London or elsewhere in the UK), and manage a range of globally-important projects at the highest level.

Main fields of interest


Neurosciences, from molecules to circuit to whole brains; and especially with regards to cognitive functions.


Helping to cure disorders and living a better life.... this is very personal to me and affects everyone directly and indirectly. I have had plenty of experience in the realm of clinical biomedicine.

I am also interested in the need to revise entire healthcare systems and the culture of science, especially with mental health, as well as encompassing education (access to information, science education) as a key overlapping concept alongside healthcare.

I also have an interest in evolutionary applications to medicine.

Computer Technology

My experience with tech started a long time ago with video games (...), having played competitively (...). I have been doing some little engineering projects here and there since very young (...); since 2012, I became more interested in the state of the art in tech (including AI), and how tech can be used to enhance learning, remotely, and ultimately lead to various other applications....

I am also keen on brain machine interfaces of all types.


As with the above, an interdisciplinary mindset has been key to solving small problems in my day-to-day life, and tackling larger long-term problems alongside the help of other people.

I am also interested in future investments, and being affiliated with companies/organisations that embellish that ethos as well.


I am very passionate about education, being a student myself and working in the FE/HE sector; as well as producing videos ('Scientifically Org'), and engaging in virtual worlds (as per 'CognTech', open science endeavours, etc).

Societal Impacts

I have been involved in low-level activism in some capacity for over a decade in a multitude of projects; since 2018, I actively contributed to KCL's jobs as working on many topics related to the above.

• I am also interested in:

Policy decisions in terms of modelling mathematically behavioural neuro-economics.

• Funding and furthering democratised Open Science.

In particular, neuroscience-informed (or general-science-informed) policies, and the science of policy and legislative processes.

Beliefs, and beliefs in beliefs.


  • CCNBS Res Pub (TBC)

  • Data visualisation (TBC)

Past and current works, and ideas for future applications

Projects - 2018/2019/2020/2021

*Note: If you are interested in sponsoring or funding my work, or working on collaborations, do get in touch with me (but I will only reply if I am able to as I am quite busy at the moment)


Work at KCL IoPPN in Neuroscience / Neuroimaging / Cognitive / Computational Neuroscience

KCL MSc Neuroscience 2018-2020

KCL IoPPN Postgraduates 2018-2020

MSc Neuroscience PT 2018-2020 - Google Drive


For my MSc works: see the insert on other webpages and encrypted docs:

List of Assignments; PDF and figures of selected parts of MSc Works including;

Thesis, Lab-Book, Poster; {screenshots samples}.

BSc and MSc Theses (open-access brief versions - not full versions) :


My general work in Coding & Program Development, in Research, and in Computational Modelling of Neurobiological Systems.

( )

( redirects to the above )

My general work in Coding & Program Development, in Research, and in Computational Modelling of Neurobiological Systems.

( )

( redirects to the above )

My Video Tutorials (on YouTube) and other e-Learning Resources in Interdisciplinary & Applied Sciences.

The three websites above partly operate under: / .org

( )

( the above redirects to: )

My start-up company - products and services.

Some of my Scientific Research Interests for postgrad research

(Last Updated: Jan 2020)

Topics – Interdisciplinary/Multidisciplinary ; and Main Specialist Domains

■ Nervous System, Central NS / Brain

■ Organism : Human (rather than other animals).

■ Functions --- Sensorimotor, Cognitive & Behavioural ---

--- Learning & Memory, all types/systems; short-term/long-term. Episodic, and others.

--- Also: Sensory (mainly Vision, but also auditory and tactile); Visuo-Spatial; Emotion/Reward/Motivation, environmental drives; (top-down conscious) Decision & Action; Imagination & Innovative Thinking/Intellect; language, and other functions.

So I will choose one major (eg. xxxxxx), and other as minors; focus on one and still relate others/explore.

Mainly normal ‘healthy’ physiology , (but will also explore clinical aspects (diseases/disorders) as useful models)

■ Brain Structures --- (Bilateral) MTL(medial temporal lobe)/Hippocampus, connections with Visual Cortex (V1/4/5), Limbic/Amygdala/OFC, PFC (prefrontal cortex), Somatosensory & Somatomotor Cortex. Frontal Parietal Temporal Occipital, other, ..... Also association white matter tracts.

■ Scale Level ---

--- Some biochemical/molecular/cellular will be very relevant.

--- But mainly neural networks small-scale (10^2 neurons, 10^3 connections) to larger scale (10^9 neurons, 10^12 connections); Neural networks (from neuro-histology and computational modelling).

--- And some whole brain regions.

Anatomy & Physiology, rather than Development or Evolution.

Nervous System in adults (rather than infants/children or elderly senescence).

■ Experiment Techniques and Apparatus ---

Neuroimaging: high-resolution fMRI (& DTT?) and fMRI-related, combined with EEG-realated, (also maybe MEG).

Simultaneous or seperately.

All the gear, equipment, hardware and software involved.

(So many techniques…., I still need to look up these, and other techniques as well) (maybe TDCS stimulation?)

Also: Psychometric and Cognitive-Behavioural Tests. Use of 3D VR, use of computer-based visual simulations.

Neuroimaging: mainly applications of the technology, not necc develop the technology itself (hardware and software), but I could get into that.

■ All the above points, with an emphasis on Computational Modelling:

--- Data Analysis / statistical models

--- Computational Modelling / Virtual Simulations

--- Connectomics, Neurodynamics, Systems Neuro-computations

--- Biological/Artificial Neural Networks

--- Deep Machine Learning / Intelligent Algorithms

--- Big Data / Informatics

--- Python/Matlab/Other packages and associated developmental toolkits and application programming environments

--- (open-source e-projects collabs)

I may want to concentrate on that if there are issues with the main experimental techniques.


■ Implications / Translational Applications / Business Cases:

To justify external investments into my work. The research for my MSc/PhD I need to apply practically to aspect of real-life complex problems, and capitalise from those. From my research, predictions are made for market demands in 1/5/10/20 years in the future:

Neuroimaging and modelling neural networks and neurons.

--- Need not just better hardware and software (created by physicists/engineers, advised/motivated by clinical cases), but new innovative revolutionary techniques. Processing power & better machine learning algorithms for statistical analysis / interactive dynamic modelling.

--- Coping with extremely large datasets in neurobioinformatics.

--- Computer simulation models to save money in live experiments, pharmaco drug testing effects without animals, behavioural learning, etc

--- Connectivity analyses, tracts - Informing neurosurgery procedures.

--- Steps within visual system pathways

--- Reverse engineering simulated BOLD and other responses.

Neuroscience-inspired Artificial Intelligence:

--- Visual system and deep convolutional neural networks for object recognition: used in histology samples disease classification, brain scan imaging tumour detection, facial sentiment comprehension

--- Finding out what someone sees or thinks by only looking at neuroimaging data; reverse supervised learning trained and tested on new data.

--- Speech recognition (language). Human voice synthesis.

--- Realistic reconstruction in 3D of face/head from only 2D images at few angles, with no depth information. Then control of reconstructed avatar via live actions. Transposing aspects of one audio-video file to are place aspects of another completely different.

--- Bayesian inference over time.

--- 'Objects that sound'.

--- Reinforcement learning and curiosity-based exploration (executive episodic control) for long-term goal planning (in solving maze problems to superhuman level, and also any problem)

--- Sentiment analysis from speech content.

--- Pose estimation – visually-guided motor actions.

--- Novel creativity.

AI applications to:

--- Neuroscience

--- Healthcare, personalised (general practice, psychiatry, neuroimaging, pharmac, biomed sci)

--- Scientific/Medical Research

--- Communications/Marketting

--- Finance/Economics, stocks

--- Security & safety

--- intuitive experiences

--- Other

--- Everything…

Brain-Machine Interfaces (recordings) (non-invasive) (wireless/portable)

Device fits on scalp.

For clinical patients or normal people to enhance functions

eg. Amputees (robotic arm/hand controlled by muscle MEG, or nerve, or directly CNS ‘thought’/motor command)

Normal individual (virtual objects in a 3D computer simulations) – intense training is required for this.

Individual dual fMRI/MRI/EEG/MEG/fNIRS and visual screen VR senses.

--- Clinical Neurology (phantom limbs; motor rehabilitation following stroke)

--- Scientific research experiments (in cogn, neuro, comp)

--- Cognitive AI extension, internet, augmented reality glasses.

--- Educational

--- Entertainment (VR video gaming)

--- This could provide training for specialised professions, from a young age.. eg. Training simulations for distance surgery, distance pilot.

--- Neurofeedback learning process (conscious and unconscious)

--- Meditation, wellbeing, art, CBT, psychiatrics, addiction

--- Similar advances in 'portable MRI' and 'portable MEG' technology.

Robotics/Extended Self

--- Endoskeletons, exoskeletons – prevent injuries and enhance strength in manual labour work, people with paralysis.

--- Computational problem of human hand dexterity and facial expressions

--- Plasticity cognition. Create phantom limbs in non-amputees by long-term conditioning with mind-controlled bionic/prosthetic 6th hand digit or 3rd upper limb, and then removing it.

--- Sensory substitution. Convert any sensory modality to any other modality. (sound > visual (text/images). Visual to sound, sound or visual to touch – in real-time. Learning process). Multidimensional data Visual is limited by single bits of attention

Brain-machine interfaces (invasive) (wireless/portable)

--- Humans are currently large input and throughput for few bits of output (finger searching internet). Need BMI to maintain high-bandwidth output as speed of thought.

--- Predict epileptic seizures with ML and then reboot hippocampus just before.

--- Alzheimer’s/other neurodegen: emotional, memory, motor effects more in conscious control.

--- BMI with optional connection to external fixed computer interface – upload and download memories.

Brain-machine interfaces (stimulating) (non-invasive) (wireless/portable)

--- Neuro-stimulators for migraines?

--- Enhanced learning?

--- Testing motor and sensory research.?

Brain-machine interfaces (input-based) (invasive) (wireless/portable)

--- External TMS, TDCS, TACS, other, … too sparse. Need invasive multichannel electrode sheets.

--- Robotic arm that can feel (detect temperature, pressure, texture, vibrations; then feed to these signals to nerve tract to somatosensory cortical areas) – need sensory feedback for motor actions.

--- Phone app

Haptic feedback – touch

Neuro-addiction and behavioural neuro-economics of apps/stores, visual, sound, smell etc

Integration with advances in molecular/cellular engineering

--- Framework for optogenetics and in vivo channel stimul.

--- Integrative with in vitro artificial petri dish – development of neural networks from stem cells, then transplantation to spinal cord or damage area.

--- Stem cells and organoids in restoring CNS, eye and ear neural cells.

--- Synthetic grafts

--- Non-metallic, non-magnetic, biomaterials for cochlear implant.

--- Neural-like tissue engineering and immune-compatibility

--- Bionanotech chips or fluid nanomachines – blood brain barrier and into brain blood vessels


--- Solving complex problems: EEG source localisation, parametric morphometry, forward inference, backward inference.

--- Online digitised open-source home-based mobile DIY democratisation of these techs.

Code and data, 3D printing parts. Distance based research with participants/patients. Inc innovation rate (better product) and bring cost down.

Open access and open source publishing.

Peer-to-peer decentralised systems.

Personal labs.

Constant updates/downloads.

Customisable in indefinite ways.

Commercially affordable.