Skills / Training

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Skills & Experience, Personal Qualities, from Work / Academia / Training

These are skills/experience/knowledge gained from all the above activities (in my CV).

...... in Employment, Work Experience, Education & Academia.

Conducting Experiments / Practical Skills

(Conducting Experiments / Lab-based Practical Research Skills) :

Conducting Experiments / Lab-based Practical Scientific Research Skills

Conducting Experiments / Lab-based Practical Scientific Research Skills

[overall experience: 3000+ hours]

• Human psychological data collection (in-person & web-based); producing and administering questionnaires, cognitive tests; psychometrics; social sciences data. [in schools, 2007-2012; at a higher level at university/independently during 2014-2016 & 2017-2022]

• Neuroimaging (MRI, fMRI, EEG, MEG) (apparatus set-up & acquisition, but mostly data processing) (from workshops and independent works). [at university/postgrad level, 2014-2022; 2016-2021]

• Human (live) physiology (e.g. exercise metabolism, EMG, neurology, anaesthesiology, ophthalmic science, etc). Clinical Meas.

Non-human (e.g. rodent) (in vivo) neurophysiology, handling. Human brain (post-mortem) dissection. Histology, microscopy. Chemistry, biochemistry, genetics, molecular biosciences (range of techniques). (hypothesis-led planning, using apparatus/methods, performing data collection/recordings in lab settings, analyses) [in school & industry settings (2007-2011), but all mainly at BSc level (2013-2016), some during 2017-2021]

• Other physical sciences, and engineering sciences. [mainly 2007-2013 and after 2016]

• fMRI (data procata processing) (from workshopendent works). [MSc level; 201-2020; hours]

• Cognitive tests, administering psychometrics, etc. [university/indepe021; hours]

• Biochemistry, genetics, molecular biosciences (range of techniques). Histology, microscopy. Human brain (post-mortem) dissection. Non-human (e.g. rodent) (in vivo) neurophysiology, handling. Human (live) physiology (e.g. exercise metabolism, EMG, neurology, anaesthesiology, ophthalmic science, etc). (post-hypotheses planning, using apparatus & methods, performing data collection & recordings in lab settings, analyses) [some in sry settings (2008-2011), all at hours]

• Physical sciences. Engineering sciences. Psychology. Social sciences. [school/extra-curricular; 2; hours]






1300+ hours)

• Social sciences, Physical sciences (basic) []. Molecular biosciences, Physiology (with animals/humans), Neurosciences, other (planning hypotheses/methods, performing data collection, analyses) (Industry/BSc-level) []. Neuroscience practicals, Neuroimaging data analysis [0].

Skills associated with this; Practical Experience, lab-based and in various settings/environments.

(hands-on skills) ; (planning, using methods/techniques for data collection, evaluation, etc)

Experience in lab-based practical skills and research-related skills:

• Engineering & physical sciences. Psychology, social sciences. • Biochemistry, genetics, molecular biosciences (range of techniques). Histology. Human brain (post-mortem) dissection. Non-human (e.g. rodent) handling & (in vivo) neurophysiology. Human (live) physiology/neurosciences, e.g. metabolism, EMG, anaesthetics, ophthalmics, etc. (planning hypotheses, using methods, performing data collection in lab settings, analyses) • Neuroscience demos/workshops, apparatus set-up, data processing workshops. Neuroimaging (fMRI) data analysis.

• Basic level: Conducted standard experiments in Engineering & Physical Sciences, and Chemical Sciences; and in Cognitive/Behavioural Sciences.

• Higher level (2nd year BSc and above): Biochemistry, Pharmacology, Molecular Biology, Genetics, Histology, Electrophysiology, Human Exercise Physiology, Neurophysiology, Cognitive Neuroscience. (in humans, non-human animals, microorganisms – in vitro, in/ex vivo, post mortem).

• Standard Operating Procedures, Health & Safety.

Document below "Expt Practicals Skills Exp Techniques ‎(2008-2020)‎" made in 2017, with further edits in Sept and Dec 2020.

Expt Practicals Skills Exp Techniques (2007-2020) (15-sept-2020, updated 13-dec)-

ICT/Computing-related (all mostly self-taught):

• Word-processing; spreadsheets; slideshows, designing/diagramming; searching/organising information; internet-based communication tools. (mainly Microsoft and Google programs) [relatively advanced competency level; daily use, 2000-present]

• Data referencing, project managers. Managing public & private databases/repositories. Teleconferencing. Media image & audio-video acquisition and editing. Website-building. Game development. Using software for scientific data recording/processing/analysis (e.g. for engineering, biosciences, neurosciences, psychology); Statistics software; Informatics, analytics. [medium to advanced level; weekly use, 2008-present]

• Programming (with various scripting languages, e.g. Matlab, Python, Java, HTML/JavaScript, others; and their IDEs). [basic to medium level; 2010-2013, 2016-present]


ICT/Computing-related Technical Skills/Experience.....

ICT/computing-related skillset, HMuzart's experience (11-Dec-2020,19h30)-

Management/Organisation of Projects

*** (see all in the CV and References)

Written and Verbal Communication

Written and Verbal Communication

• Writing: hundreds of essays, reports, and letters (500+) covering a range of topics, each ranging from ~500 to ~15,000 words each. [2006/7-present]

• Interpersonal public speaking: 100+ events, to small and large (100+ people) audiences; as an individual and as part of a team. [2006-present]

• English. [full fluency] [2001-2003; full fluency from 2003-present ?? ]

• French. [native, full fluency] [born 1990, 1993-present] - see cogn neurosci of language acquisition and retention

• Japanese, Thai, German, (British) Sign Language. [basic level; 2005-2010] (some proficiency lost since then)

Verbal Communication, Interpersonal Social Skills, Languages:

- Daily face-to-face interactions; team projects (100+); given many (50+) oral presentations (physically in-person) to small (~10) large audiences (~50-150 people) (each ~10-50 mins). [2005-present] (from School Acting/Theatre/Performing Arts; Kent Debating Society; Schools; Work Experience; UCL; KCL MSc, KCL Ambassador; Other)

- My video tutorials/discussions [2017-2021]

- English [20sent], French [19 (Full Fluency – Reading-Writing-Speaking-Listening)

- German (GCSE), Japanese (GCSE+Int.Bacc.), British Singuage (some), other (very basic). (past)

>> See all my written works in the shared private Cloud Drive folders.

>> For me speaking, see some of my selected videos, and/or reviews by other people on my performance (e.g. university staff/assessors).

Other ..... Interests, Activities & Skills

• First Aid, and Emergency Medicine [2010, 2013-present]

First Aid, Fire, & Military Drills (basics) [summer 2008?].

• Car Driving. [2011-2013, 2017-present] (full licence since Sep 2017) - Car Driving (DVSA (Category B Vehicle)) - Practical Test and Theory Test - both first-attempt Pass.

• Sports: Mixed Martial Arts & Gym/Strength-Training, Cycling, (formerly: Fencing, Rowing, Swimming, Athletics, others) (recreational, competitive, for work experience, and for fundraising). [2003-present, weekly.....] - Sports: Gym (Weight-lifting/Strength-training/Body-building and Cardiovascular training) [2007-present, weekly]; Taekwondo & other Martial Arts (Kickboxing, Judo, etc) [2003-present, weekly]; Fencing [2003-2009, weekly]. Swimming (highest grade), Basketball, Badminton, Rowing (on water / outside), Gymnastics/Parkour/Freerunning, Athletics, Cycling (outdoors) [2002-2016]. (including many competitive tournaments and fundraising events).... at places shown at, and other places.

• Technical Drawing (by hand) and 3D CAD/CAM (manufacturing on various scales using various materials). [2005-2013] - Technical Design by Hand-Drawing [2005-2013]. ; Manufacturing Work (manual) (incl with CAD/CAM) with woods/plastics/glass/other (miniature to body-scale) [2006-2013]. + including risks assessments.

• Gaming/e-Sports (recreational & training and competitive tournaments (amateur/semi-professional)): strategy board games and console/computer-based video gaming. [1998/2000-2013] - Computer-based (Strategy) Video Gaming [1998-2013], Competitor in regional tournaments – in France & UK [2005-2010]; Board Games (eg. Chess) and card games and figurines games [2004-2013].

Keyboard (music), after guitar and flute/recorder [2005-2007].

General Housekeeping / Maintenance [1996-present].

Extra Information (Blank1) -

For supplementary details, also see private shared cloud folder (Google Drive / MS OneDrive / DropBox) for more information.