Person Specification Cross-Ref, Reviews on Me & My Work

My JDPS (Job Description & Person Specification) criteria points - cross-referenced with my CV, etc.

Coming soon to this page are these elaborations, which are currently in the shared Private Cloud Drive folder.

Here below will be embedded:

  • G Docs File - standard document file

  • G Sheets File - spreadsheet database of information with relational cross-links

  • G Slides File- Powerpoint slides (with visuals: graphical and diagrammatic representations)

The public-domain spreadsheet below is soon to be updated, but the full version (also an incomplete draft) is in the private Cloud sub-folders

Moreover, for the Tables displayed, you can use Ctrl+F to search.

JDPS Cross-Ref Table

Furthermore, I am currently working on node-based connectomics-based visualisations, similar to those as described in the links below.

These will be in 3D, and with easily searchable content, and will have strong ease-of-use and logical structure.

For reviews on me and my works:

See other webpages and files for now.....

Also see:

Impact Interactomics