Biographical Information, Philosophies, Activism, e-Communities, Future Aspirations

Some Info about Me

I'm a Scientist.

I initially got training in Biomedical Sciences specialising in Molecular/Cellular Neurobiology & Neurology, but then went into Cognitive Neurobiology. I am now most interested in specialising in Computational Cognitive Neurosciences.

I am also: a Technologist & Amateur Computer Program Developer; an Educator & Science Communicator/Populariser; an Entrepreneur; and a Martial Arts Practitioner.

I am ~30 years old.

I am originally from France. I reside in Canterbury (Kent, UK) and work in the London & Kent areas.

I was born in France, and moved to England in 2002 at about age 11. I had to learn English

I've developed an interest for science and tech and human beings in general, from many personal events.

In my late teens, I started to further my need for learning new ideas and skills.

For the last 10 years, I have gained a much greater passion for a wide range of disciplines, but especially Clinical Neurological Sciences, and Cognitive & Behavioural Neurosciences – both of these subjects being very personal to me.

This is due to Medical issues and other issues I have gone through, and very empowering to learn about. 

Computational modelling of these is also a recent interest of mine. 

Future aspirations & ambitions

For the next 20/30 years, I'm aiming to do postdoc work in Neurosciences (in London, UK; or EU or USA?), and manage a range of globally-important projects at the highest level.

... x

Other info

Also see CV and other pages.

I will post more info here soon.

For my research interests and activities (past, present and future), see links.

More info:

Mr Harry S F Muzart

Alive human on earth since 06 Dec 1990 

Current location: UK

Alma Mater: UCL, KCL

Political Affiliations: None (independent)



Residency and Citizenship status: EU/French and British/UK settled,  Official Nationa

I am proud to also have worked with organisations to represent diversity and inclusion especially for ethnic backgrounds of  western europeans and thai / asian (oriental) mixed backgrounds especially for representation in STEM

Parents: P. M. (b.1953, France) Reims, France ; S. Y-O. (b.1952, Thailand) Canterbury, UK.

Siblings: D M (b.1983, France), France, Other; S M-P (b.1988) New Z; M M (b.1995), London, UK.

Extended family genealogy network TBC.

Flags: EU, France, UK, Thailand

For other flags of other cultures/languages/places that I am fond of and thinking of getting citizenship one day: Japanese, German, USA


Places I've been:

- Locations (approx 2002-2020): (South-East UK) (Canterbury/Ashford/Thanet) Kent (approx 2002-2020) & (Central/North) London (2012-2020). 

- Lived in Canterbury CT2 8AN, 2002-present.

- I have experience of exploring flats/residences in London 2012-2017, but resided term time in student rooms 2013-2016.

- Currently at Canterbury CT2 8AN

and stuff in London WC1E 6BT and SE5 8AB

- Originally from Reims (North-East France) (1990-2002; keeping networking and visits, weeks every two years during 2002-2009 ?)

- Other places I've been: 

other places in the Wales and England (Hastings, Birmingham, Oxford, Cambridge, Other) (visiting schools/unis)

other parts of France (North-West, South-East, Paris, Northern France) (family) 

West Germany / Luxembourg / Netherlands (touristing trip)

Thailand (family business).


Res: x

h-index: x


My Twitch account: x

My Steam account: x

elo score [?]: x

rankings: x

My physical sports, including martial arts, etc

Check out my profile new one at:


(old HM profile discontinued, new HM profile TBC)

I'll be posting up martial arts training videos with other people, at some point in the future. And on my fitness/strength-training/bodybuilding exercise routine (currently at about approx 5'11'' / 180cm ; 200 lbs / 90kg - fluctuatings) - I'm going to post more pictures/vids there in summer 2022 when I get back in shape and at a better conditioning level. And on my new diet Routine: protein: high; complex carbs: medium-high; simple carbs: low-medium; fat: low

Sample pics taken by HM

Philosophical ideas and actual implementations

These sections below will be updated soon ...

Organisations of interest

These are the organisations / societies I am (or was) involved in, in one way or another, directly of indirectly, either as a participant or contributor.

> King's College London Student Union / KCL Developments & Marketing / KCL NeuroSoc / KCL IoPPN Network


> British Neuroscience Association (UK) and FENS (EU).


> UCL Alumni Network and UCL Neuroscience Society, 


> University of Kent Memberships / Events.


> Human Brain/Connectome Project.


> International forums for computing in biosciences.


> Societies for the Deaf and Hearing Impaired.

eg. Action on Hearing Loss UK; British Deaf Association; National Deaf Children's Society. I have had many interactions with people from these organisations and am keeping a close eye on developments. Amongst other things, as I have complete & permanent sensorineural deafness in my left ear (from a barotrauma from a swimming pool diving accident at age 15 that affected my cochlea), I have been involved in related activism since. I have spent time fundraising, popularising and working on awareness, networking at conventions, sharing posts from these organisations, and supporting branch offices in various cities, etc.

> British Humanist Society - Society for Agnosticism/Atheism and Secularism and Humanism.


> The Centre for Enquiry - Organisation for Science, Reason and Rationality.


> Libertarianism/Liberalism Groups - for free societies, free minds, free speech/expression, free markets.

This is sometimes defined as being socially liberal & fiscally conservative, as an advocate of free societies, free speech/expression, free markets. The aim, from my point of view, is to promote reason and a rational approach to social and economic policies with the evidence-based premise that optimising individual freedom (and each person using their independent hard work to achieve things), enhances peoples' standards of living over time, for individuals and for society as a whole, by competition, innovation and technological progress that benefits all parties involved. Libertarians are very varied and heterogeneous, they come from a wide range of backgrounds along the political spectrum. I have had some strong disagreements with other members in certain libertarian societies and I am still working on finding resolutions for these, so that we can push common-ground common-sense libertarianism ideals into the mainstream.

> 'International Taekwondo Federation'.


> 'British Fencing' (National Sports Association).


> Kent County Council  - (my political rep manifesto is TBC)


> 'Open' Movement


My areas of study in philosophical and socio-political discourse

i.e. philosophies that I would recommend people learn more about, which make for interesting debates ....

There are many pros and cons of these topics and ideas that I studied

Many of these have been influenced by online memes and long-form intellectual discussions.

My current works (approximate) that I am working on and promoting in activism, as explained above. 

As I have learnt more about everything,  I have changed my views many times over the last 30 years, and I most likely will change some of those again during the rest of my life.

- Reason is a product of the human brain. 

- The human brain is a physical system which is a product of the workings of the Universe.

- We can affect our environment by free will and motivational drivers.

- Informatics is imbued in all these systems.

- Much of these processes remain a 'black box', and we use epistemology and empiricism to know things.


- We know Science is right because it actually works everytime it is tested!

- Axioms are justified.

- We can apply the same principles to beliefs on how to live your life and treat others, which can (and should) be derived from Reason/Rationality and Scientific Facts.

- Government ought to have a limited and specific role... it protects life & individual liberty, and it certainly allows individuals to optimise the use of their individual reason, to create and produce and innovate. Scientific and societal progress is not a zero-sum game, and individuals benefit from each others' rational self-interest. Complex systems evolve over time.

- Positions on Science & Epistemology: 

Scientific Method, rationality & reason, logic, empiricism, testability, falsifiability, experimental evidence, objectivism, naturalism, materialism, monism, skepticism, anti-pseudoscience, critical thinking, scientific freedom.

- Consciousness: Neurobiological (physicochemical, neuronal, physiological) and Neuro-Computational (informational algorithmic complex systems, neural networks) Theory of the Mind. Free energy principle, neural darwinism, Bayesian inference model, simulation model.

- Cosmology: XXXX

- Large problems to deal with: existentialist threats. ....

- AI: Will exponentially improve, then will self-improve to the singularity, which will then present a huge opportunity and threat.

- Science funding: To increase in STEMM. Investing to innovate. Public and esp Private funding of science education and research. 

- Healthcare: Efficiency optimization within the NHS and private healthcare system; scientists and healthcare professionals (nurses, GPs, etc) need to become more involved politically, financially-savvy, and be more entrepreneurial, and not let businesspeople and bureaucrats control them too much.

- Socio-Political - General: Liberal Democracy, Libertarianism, Free Thinker, meritocracy & technocrat (a fair science-based system of decision-making, policy implementation and governance, where people are rewarded based on learnt talent, hard work, scientific literacy, achievement, and performance). Individualism. Anti-authoritarianism, anti-tyranny, anti-fundamentalist; constitutional right to your own life and liberty. Individual civil liberties. Self-ownership (people can do what they want with their own bodies and minds as long as they don't impose their lifestyle of physical harm on others). Fair judicial/legislative system. The right to self-defence. Individual voting rights and representation. Education and personal responsibility and consequentialism as a means to motivate and organise behaviours, rather than over legislation. Protection, not under/over-protection, of children. Advocating for less corruption in governments and corporations. Peaceful diplomatic foreign policy.

- Socio-Political - Economic Issues: I personally don't like labels, but originally I probably have been labelled much more of a socialist for most of my life, however now I am more for: free market capitalism (and not cronyism), fiscal conservatism/responsibility (to solve poverty and create more jobs & helping businesses), reducing debt, financial independence, economic freedom, capitalist venture-philanthropism, fair taxation. 

- Socio-Political - Social Issues: centrist/centre-left true Liberalism; equal rights (based on race/ethnicity, sex/gender, etc, disabilities); respecting others but also we need diversity of thought, maximising Free Speech and Freedom of Expression (less censorship and less restrictions, even for what people may find ‘controversial/contentious’); I am strongly against ‘political correctness’, especially in universities and mainstream media, I think it is does much more harm to people than not.

- Political - Other: Decriminalisation of medically-beneficial and relatively low-risk/low-harm drugs and other products/activities (medical use for children and adults, recreational use for adults over a certain age in their 20s). AI-centred debate on immigration and jobs. AI-centred NHS reforms. Environmentalism and tackling climate change by capitalism and innovating private sector tech.

- Society: Promote the ‘sharing economy’ of good and services, decentralisation of power, digital social platforms for self-entrepreneurship; bottom-up grassroots activism; systems of decentralised social and economic activities; Greater security measures and police to tackle local violent crime; Less federal government intervention in people’s personal private lives (esp in other countries). Understanding complex systems and reducing unintended consequences.

- Global: For free trade. Deal with threats (thermonuclear warfare, biological warfare, microbial pandemics, climate change, natural disasters, asteroid impacts, cyberwarfare, superhuman AI dangers) via cultural mindset changes, education and diplomacy.

- Political Affiliation: (None/Independent). In terms of the UK, I would say I agree with about 10% of what the Conservatives' policies say, and 10% of Labour's policies; most I usually strongly disagree, but that would be subject to each individual. I despise political tribalism (the view that all members of one political party are all the same), which unfortunately I know many educated people can fall for.

- Religious Ideology: Formerly very religious (western-eastern pan-eclecticism), but now since my early adulthood: (None/Unaffiliated) Atheism / Agnosticism / Secular Humanism.

- Moral Philosophy: Secular Humanism, Golden Rule, Tit for tat, Bio-ethics & neuro-law, science-informed policies on morality, consent-centred decisions, voluntary altruism, progressivism, quasi-consequentialism; pacifism over violence, except for unavoidable justified self-defence (I am a big advocate of self-defence); minimizing physical & psychological pain and maximising happiness for the greatest number of people (a few caveats here!); not against animal testing and meat-eating, but I am for ethical treatment of non-human animals.

- Publishing data/literature: Full Open Access, ‘open’ movement, (with individual intellectual property rights attributed); transparency.

- Mechanism for societal progress: Intellectual evidence-based debates between people of different opinions.

Problem I have with political issues: Ideological tribalism on the all sides of the political spectrum (people in groups are very heterogeneous and overlap in many ways with other groups, and should be seen an individuals, not labelled with the collective); exponential growth in microbial pandemics and AI threat almost never discussed (in context of immigration, jobs, etc); drug policy; that open systems are not zero-sum games; etc.

If you would like to support my causes, please share my relevant content.

Recommendations, some public influencers of interest:

The above is based on the following thinkers, people I would recommend you to learn more about:

(Mainly from me being age X onwards), Polymaths and intellectuals and popularisers; in academia, science, technology, business, sports, showbusiness .... – who have influenced thoughts in one or more ways.

Note 1: This doesn’t mean I agree with everything each of these people have said or done. !!!

Note 2: The main info (from my point-of-view) is put next to their name, but not all they did/represent.

Recommendations, some public influencers of interest:

--- David Attenborough (naturalist, broadcaster) (UK) (1926-)

--- Carl Sagan (physicist, cosmologist, science populariser) (USA) (1934-1996)

--- Daniel Dennett (philosopher, neuroscientist; model of consciousness & free will) (USA) (1942-)

--- Steven Pinker (evolutionary psychologist; computational linguistics, natural & sexual selection in language, psychology, liberalism) (USA) (1954-)

--- Robert Sapolsky (molecular biologist, endocrinologist, primatologist, neurophysiologist; stress response) (USA) (1957-)

--- Sam Harris (cognitive neuroscientist, philosopher, atheism activist, martial arts, meditation) (USA) (1967-)

--- Noam Chomsky (linguist, logician, cognitive scientist, political activist, critic; computational formalisation of linguistics and language) (USA) (1928-)

--- Richard Dawkins (evolutionary biologist, secular humanism / atheism activist, writer, polemicist) (UK) (1941-)

--- Susan Greenfield (molecular biologist (pharmac), clinical neuroscientist, broadcaster, policy adviser) (UK) (1950-)

--- Vilayanur Ramachandran (medical clinician, neurobiologist, cognitivist) (USA) (1951-)

--- Neil deGrasse Tyson PhD (astrophysicist, science populariser TV host, policy adviser) (USA) (1958-)

--- Richard Feynman (theoretical quantum physicist, mathematician, polymath, populariser)(1918-1988) 

--- Michio Kaku (theoretical physicist, mathematician, populariser; string theory, relativity, quantum physics) (1947-)

--- Karl Friston (theoretical and computational neuroscience, systems sciences, biosystems, psychiatry, neuroimaging, mathematics) (1959-)

--- Demis Hassabis (video game dev and competitive gamer; computational & cognitive neuroscientist, AI engineer, sci & tech entrepreneur; neurology of memory, neural networks, general-purpose digital super-intelligence) (UK) (1976-)

--- Bill Gates (computer scientist, engineer, sci & tech innovator, businessman, philanthropy, epidemiology and disease) (USA) (1955-)

--- Elon Musk (electromechanical engineer, neurotech engineering, inventor, sci & tech entrepreneur) (USA) (1971-)

--- Milton Friedman (economist; free market economics, policy adviser, behavioural game theory, Nobel laureate) (USA) (1912-2006)

--- Ayn Rand (philosopher; objectivism, constitutionalism, libertarianism, individualism, reason) (USA) (1905-1982)

--- Jet Li (mixed martial artist, actor, producer, philosopher) (USA) (1963-)

--- Bruce Lee (mixed martial artist, actor, producer) (Hong Kong / USA) (1940-1973)

--- Arnold Schwarzenegger (athlete, bodybuilder, businessman, actor, producer, politician (Gov(CA)) (USA) (1947-)

Check out all the videos with them on YouTube and beyond.

Again, there are many online video interviews, podcasts, debates, documentaries, etc with these people. I have a lot more lists of topics and people on my website at and affiliate partner websites, which covers many similar ideas and individuals.

Motivational quotes

Selected favourite inspirational quotes by other people:

" Knowledge is Power "

" The more you learn, the more you earn "

" Serendipity favours the prepared mind "

" Our brains, made out of the same chemical elements created in the heart of stars, are a way for the cosmos to know itself, through nothing else but the laws of nature "

" Never Give Up ! "

" Just do it ! "

" Turn a negative into a positive "

" Failures and successes come together "

" All experiences, good or bad, are learning experiences "

(more TBC)