Education / Academic Activities / Awards
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Other post-MSc postgrad : TBC
[KCL Lg] [KCL + Neuroscience] [Master's degree wrdrt] [book Lg]
MSc Neuroscience (-, etc) (Distinction)
KCL - King’s College London
Sep 2018 - Sep 2020 (part-time) CERT NOV 2020
• General Neurosciences (Neurophysiology (at the cellular, networks of neurons, and organ system levels), Neurodevelopmental disorders, Neurodegeneration, Neuropsychiatry, Brain Stimulation, etc)
..... with specialisations in Clinical, Biophysiological, Cognitive-Beh, Neuroimaging (fMRI/EEG/etc), and Computational aspects.
Thesis: The Neurobiological Basis of Emotion Recognition and its Modulation by Contextual Visual Information.
scores: (xx.x%, with xxx/xxx credits ≥xx%; Research Project: xx%)
For all scores, rankings date, copies of my works, notes, feedback given by examiners to me, etc, see private Google Drive folder.
2017 - 2018 - 2020 - present (part-time) – working on independent scientific research projects and articles (drafting, not official), to eventually be submitted (in 2021 or much later) for potential review & publication in e-journals/repositories. {operated under my work under KCL, and partially under Multidisciplinary Neuroscientific Technologies Ltd} see also or .
Member of various organisations (including the BNA and others), for conferences/events/engagement.
2017 - present.
2016+ – Member to various communities/organisations and Science Societies/Associations (for taking part in weekly conferences/events, exclusive resources, etc).
--- British Neuroscience Association (BNA) (Professional Early Career Member)
--- Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS)
--- UCL School of Life Sciences Alumni
--- UCL Alumni Community
--- University of London
--- UCL Neuroscience Society
--- KCL Neuroscience Society
--- Many other KCL groups/societies
--- University of Kent Templeman Library Member
--- International Taekwondo Federation (ITF)
--- Center for Inquiry
--- other...
< edx, courser, etc, lg >
Short online courses (~41+) (not yet certificated), delivered by various organisations and universities.
Jul 2016 - Aug 2018 (part-time). 2020 -2021 -
• Neurobiosciences; specialties in Clinical Medicine/Surgery; Neuro-engineering; Bio-nanotechnology; Engineering sciences; Computer programming; Machine learning; Economics, Finance; Law, Sociology/Politics (UK/USA/Global); Anthropology, Neuro-economics ; Organisational/Management; Administration in Business/Education;
Intellectual & Professional Development Courses; short online-based courses (~25++) (with various Higher Education institutions, organisations and universities in the UK and around the world). No assessments taken yet, and no certificates yet achieved. {at least one course certificate will be obtained by [date TBC]}. Subjects related to Advanced Neurobiology (Molecular, Cellular, Organismal); Specialisms in Clinical/Surgical Medicine; Computational Neuroscience; Bionanotech; Gen Engineering Sciences (basic); Computer Science & Programming (incl. deep machine learning); Math Analysis; Economics & Finance, Business; Law & Politics (UK/Global); Anthropology; Media.

[UCL Lg] [UCL + Neuroscience] [BSc degree + Biomedical Sciences wrdrt] [book lg]
BSc Biomedical Sciences (Control Systems - Molecular, Human Physiological Sciences, Neurosciences, Psychiatrics) (2:1)
University College London
Sep 2013 - Jun 2016 (full-time) ; Certificated Aug 2016
-- Year 3: More focus on: Computational Neuroscience; Sensory(e.g.Visual) , Cognitive and Motor/Behavioural Neurosciences ; Psychology/ Psychiatry.
-- Year 1/2: More focus on:
- Chemistry, Pharmacology, Genetics/Genomics (incl BioInformatics), Molecular/Cellular Biology, Microbiology;
- Evolutionary Biology; Developmental Biology;
- Anatomy, Physiology & Pathophysiology (all mammalian organ systems); Neurology,
- Systems Neuroscience;
- Biopsychology; Psychology/Psychiatry, HCI e-Learning;
- Science Policy Studies;
- Statistics/Computing ;
- Methods, Key Skills.
• Main Dissertation (8000 words) & Presentation: ‘The neurobiological basis of emotional episodic memory’.
• Year 3: Sensorimotor, Cognitive & Behavioural Neurosciences.; Neurology; Systems Neuroscience; Computational Neuroscience; etc.
• Year 1/2: Chemistry; Biochemistry, Biophysics, Pharmacology, Genetics/Genomics, Molecular & Cellular Biology; Evolutionary Biology, Developmental Biology; Anatomy & Physiology (all mammalian organ systems); Pathophysiology, Microbiology/Immunology; Clinical Neurobiology, Neurology; Statistics & Computing; Psychology, Human-Computer Interaction, Policy Studies.
scores: (xx.x%, with xx/xx credits ≥xx%; Thesis: xx%)
□ Module codes: NEUR3041, NEUR3018, NEUR3045, PSYC3207, PSYC3209, PSYC3210, NEUR3904.
□ Module codes: PHOL2005, PHOL2003, ANAT2008, BIOL2004, STAT610, BIOS2001, PSYC6002, HPSC1004.
□ Module codes: CHEM1602; BIOC1001, PHAR1001, CELL1001, BIOL1005, ANAT1003, PHOL1001.
Gower St, Bloomsbury, London WC1E 6BT
Research labs in the Department of Cell and Developmental Biology, located primarily in the Anatomy building,
and the Rockefeller, Darwin, Medical Sciences, Medawar and MRC LMCB buildings.
Neuroscience, Physiology and Pharmacology; UCL Division of Biosciences
Deferred another year due to health and other issues.
Jan 2012: Re-applied to BSc BioMed (broad) at UCL, KCL, Birmingham, Southampton, etc.
Sept 2009: Then transferred to Life Sciences Faculty, but dropped-out.
Jul 2009: Offer met for UCL Nat Sciences place for 2010 entry due to full course in 2009.
Oct 2008 - Feb 2009: Applied for BSc Natural Sciences at Cambridge, UCL, Nottingham, Lancanster, etc.
A-Level Biology (A*)
Sep 2009 - Jul 2010 (part-time).
Secondary Education, Queen Elizabeth’s Grammar School (Faversham, Kent, UK)
• (self-taught independent candidate)
• AS+A2
• (only independent candidate to .... )
• exams in QEGS Main Hall
• see 'embed of curriculum'
• see 'embed of names / topics of projects'
• and see G Drive for more info
[IB lg, embed list of assignments]
International Baccalaureate (37/45). BCGS, Sep 2007 - Jun 2009 (full-time)
British Physics Olympiad (Commendation). Jan 2009.
AS French (A). 2007.
GCSEs (10 x A*, 2 x A). BCGS, Sep 2005 - Jun 2007 (full-time).
Secondary Education, Barton Court Grammar School (Canterbury, Kent, UK)
• 2009: British Physics Olympiad (Commendation Medal Award) - Dec 2008 - Jan 2009
• 2007-2009: International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma: 37/45 (equivalent to at least approx A* A* A A (at A-level) when converted using UCAS tariff points in 2009). Higher level: Physics (7/7), Chemistry (7/7), Mathematics (5/7). Standard level: English (5/7), Japanese (5/7), Psychology (6/7), Experimental Physics Project and Epistemology/Philosophy (2/3).
(IB is assessed against students around the world)
Physics modules: Mechanics, optics, electromagnetism, thermodynamics, quantum physics, astrophysics
Chemistry modules: .............
Maths modules: .............
IB HL Maths - equivalent to AL Maths + parts of AL Further Maths. ; as opposed to standard & lower level Maths.
grade '5' was the highest in my cohort (in my school for that year)
Changed from Business Studies to Psychology
• 2007: A-Level: AS French (A) (95%) (before A* grade at A-level was introduced)
(A-Level is assessed against students around the UK, but also around the world)
GCSE & A-Level: AQA/Edexcel Board
JLPT test taken in 2008/2009 in London - Japanese Language Proficiency Test
GCSEs: 10 ‘A*’ & 2 ‘A’ grades.
2005-2007: GCSEs: Science; Mathematics; Statistics; English Language; Literature; Design & Technology; ICT; Geography; French; German; Japanese.
Dual Award Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology) (A* A*); Higher Mathematics (A*); Statistics (A*); English Language (A); Literature (A*); Design & Technology (A*); ICT (A*); Geography (A*); German (A); Japanese (A*); French (A*).
KS3 (Key Stage 3) (average grades) at BCGS, Canterbury, UK [2002-2005].
Sciences, English, Literature, Maths, Geography, History, Business, French, German, Product Design Technology, Food Technology, Personal & Cultural Studies, Music, Performing Arts, Physical Education.
French curriculum (average grades) in schools in Reims, France [before 2002].
1994 - 2002 – .........
(Reims: Neuvillette School (4 years), Verrier School (2 years), Robert Schuman School (1 year). (St Stephen’s Primary School, UK - 1 semester visit).
6th Dec 1990 - birth ...
For supplementary details, also see private shared cloud folder (Google Drive / MS OneDrive / DropBox) for more information.