Employment / Work Experience / Professional Roles / Responsibilities / Other Paid Activities
Employment, Self-Employment; Work Experience and Internships; Professional Positions & Affiliations; Paid Services; Other Positions of Responsibility and Duties, Opportunities, ...
Sherpa Tutoring.
Oct 2023 - 2024/Present
see https://www.linkedin.com/in/harry-muzart/
Academic Projects, Higher Education Project Contributor, Ambassador, and
Scientific Communicator, Various Other
King’s College London, London, UK.
see https://www.linkedin.com/in/harry-muzart/
Nov 2018 ..... - Oct 2019 - ........ Jun 2022 - .... 2023 ()
Ambassador, Scientific Communicator, Acad Proj Contrib, 'Higher Education' Contributor,
KCL - King's College London (London, UK)
• I contributed to KCL by doing collaborative interdisciplinary work (partly as a ‘King’s 100’ programme member + via other related roles) [Oct 2019 onwards], with postgraduate students and staff (academic researchers, clinicians, department heads, administrators, external stakeholders, etc) across all KCL faculties. I applied my knowledge (e.g. in computer technology and cognitive neuroscience) to develop KCL's venues/ environments, student/staff wellbeing, virtual systems for teaching & learning, and to tackle societal-wide issues. This resulted in practical implementations and published reports.
• As an Ambassador [Oct 2019 onwards], my work involved managing events and answering queries from prospective undergraduate and postgraduate students (about university life & issues, science-related research & courses, etc), convincing them to join KCL. I also delivered guided tours of facilities (...), furthered public engagement, led video hosting/presenting, and posted online social media (text & audio-video) content, which had local and international outreach/impact.
• Alongside all the above, during Nov 2018 - May 2020, I contributed (unpaid) to the MSc Neuroscience programme, which involved managing group forums, file sharing, giving feedback, and on-campus lecture-recording set-up & audio-video troubleshooting.
• All these roles above involved hundreds of on-campus one-to-one face-to-face interactions with people of all age groups. I was especially designated to interact with neurodivergent individuals (e.g. with disabilities), taking into account their needs. I collected relevant qualitative & quantitative information, and reported on these.
• I also delivered oral presentations/sessions (to small and larger (50-150 people) groups); I managed & moderated information in live chats and e-groups; I did some academically-inclined science-related writing (posted online and peer-reviewed by KCL managers).
• For all the above, I carried out extensive pre-event preparations and post-event work, including email communications, etc.. The work also became more digital-based and distanced during Covid-19-related restrictions.
• see "https://sites.google.com/view/hm-kcl-work".
-- Subject & Digital Ambassador, and ‘King’s 100’ programme member. And other -- Educational science-related writing, running oral presentations/sessions & face-to-face interactions (one-to-one, to small groups, and to large audiences (50-150 people)), giving guided tours, video hosting/presenting, public engagement, answering enquiries, events assistant, online social audio-video media contributions & information management & live chats, marketing for prospective students to undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. -- Collaboratory work (in seminars) with students & high-level staff, producing and implementing feedback/solutions for reports for the programme-level & institutional-level ‘King’s Vision’; using my expertise (applied neurosciences & cognitive sciences) to optimise KCL experiences, learning environments, and teaching & learning virtual systems.
-- I spent some time in numerous events (see Excel table), including preparation prior and after/post. It involved doing pre-work and researching info and preparing before each type of event. I then interacted with all sorts of people, especially prospective students, giving them information on the course, technical issues, content, etc. Answering questions and topics involved - student finance, neuroscience topics, MSc course structure/content/experience, opportunities, etc. The thing was also to communicate with others in groups to generate new ideas on how to solve societal issues at KCL, for example pushing the need for interdisciplinarity. I was involving in foreseeing implementation by staff, and providing feedback on those.
-- 'King's 100' is the top ~100 selected students from thousands from the whole of KCL, to be involved in those projects.
[embed maps]
New Hunt’s House; Hodgkin Building; Henriette Raphael House; KCLSU Hub.
KCL Guy’s Campus (SE1 9RT) (London Bridge / Southwark)
King's Building; Strand Building; Somerset House; Bush House.
KCL Strand Campus (WC2R 2LS) (Covent Garden)
Weston Education Centre; IoPPN Main Building.
KCL Denmark Hill Campus (SE5 8AF) (Camberwell)
Franklin-Wilkins Building; James Clerk Maxwell Building.
KCL Waterloo Campus (SE1 8WA) (Waterloo / South Bank)
Via online computer (KCL desktop/laptop at KCL, personal laptop/desktop at home)
King's Talent Bank Ltd, Keystone Employment Group, Keystone House, 272-276 Pentonville Rd, London N1 9JY
Neuroscience-specific, Neuroscience-related and Generalist.
by HM: https://sites.google.com/view/hm-kcl-work/
Also see private shared cloud folder (Google Drive / MS OneDrive / DropBox) for more information.
Research experience in data analysis
(cognitive neuroimaging data analysis)
KCL IoPPN/CNS, London, UK.
Sep 2019 - Sep 2020 : time range
Oct 2019 - Sep 2020: entire dissertation project
Dec 2019 - Jul 2020 : main data processing
(part-time, daily/weekly) (unpaid).
Data processing/analysis using pre-acquired cognitive-behavioural and neuroimaging (fMRI) data (as part of MSc Thesis).
-- Under Owen O'Daly (Centre for Neuroim Sciences), I spent time with... . This involved already acquired data fMRI and using SPM, which I had experience with, as well as other software, before. I needed to use spreadsheets/database tabulations like in Excel, and Matlab for both the cognitive data and neural data [see table of ICT skills in G Drive]. "Neural basis of emotion recognition" [Thesis available in private Cloud Drive].
Centre for Neuroimaging Sciences, KCL Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience,
De Crespigny Park, Denmark Hill / Camberwell, London, UK, SE5 8AF.
Also see private shared cloud folder (Google Drive / MS OneDrive / DropBox) for more information.
Contributor/Helper (MSc Programme)
KCL IoPPN, London, UK.
Nov 2018 - May 2020 (part-time, weekly/monthly) (unpaid).
-- Helping with the MSc course via online group forums, file sharing, giving feedback, lecture-recording set-up & audio-video troubleshooting, etc.
- I shared content, relating to the course, improvements for the course with course reps and staff, also troubleshooting AV for each lecture.
Also see private shared cloud folder (Google Drive / MS OneDrive / DropBox) for more information.
Founder (& Director); Developer/Researcher (Computational), Content Producer, Adviser
Multidisciplinary Neuroscientific Technologies Ltd, Canterbury, UK.
Nov 2017 - present (part-time, daily/weekly).
see https://www.linkedin.com/in/harry-muzart/
• Developer/Programmer/Designer work: General computer programming work with various types of functionalities; app development. Independent work in basic computational experimenting/prototyping/modelling related to neurobiosciences, cognitive sciences, and A.I., using open-source digital tools. (see "www.CognTech.net" and "www.BioNeuroTech.net")
• Scientific Educational Content Producer work: Producing educational online-based community-oriented interactive e-learning content (e.g. text-based content, animations, video tutorials, etc) related to interdisciplinary physical, biological, and social sciences, and general topics. (see "www.Scientifically.org.uk")
• .....................
• Notes: I am the sole person affiliated with this company. My projects are still in development. I am also monitoring my impact analytics. Revenue worth (estimated) (currently minimal/negligible) generated via freelance products/services, third-party ads integrated with my content, and other assets. I am far from making a living wage from this. Significant investments from others will be sought out by 2025+. I also have very small stock investments in other companies. (see "www.Multidisc-Neurosci-Tech-Ltd.org" or "www.Multidisc-Neurosci-Tech-Ltd.com")
-- Producing educational online-based community-oriented e-learning content (e.g. video tutorials & animations) related to interdisciplinary physical, biological, and social sciences, and general topics. (see ‘www.Scientifically.Org.uk’)
-- operating as Chief Editor/Producer (& creator) of ‘www.Scientifically.Org.uk’. An open-access platform for e-learning resources in Interdisciplinary and Applied Science (covering physical/ engineering, biological, and social sciences & humanities). Creating and posting media content (eg. diagrammatic animations, presentations, and video tutorials). Setting-up, filming, pre- & post-production, editing. Graduate science writer of blogs/articles, and contributor on various international online platforms/forums (posting text-based posts to answer others' questions). Interactive feedback discussions with users. See my Analytics.
-- General computer programming work; App development; Independent basic computational prototyping/modelling related to neurobiosciences/A.I./cognitive sciences, using open-source digital tools. (see "www.CognTech.net" and ‘www.BioNeuroTech.com’)
-- operating as Main Developer/Manager (& creator) of ‘'www.CognTech.com' and www.BioNeuroTech.com’. Basic general projects in computing; web-based databases; App development (eg. Android/Windows/etc); some attempts at other things: Structural (2D/3D) & functional computational modelling (using software tools, programming and datasets), mainly in bioinformatics, neurobiological systems (molecular / neuronal / neural networks / brain structures), and various types of cognitive systems; other as well; also exploring some basic bio-robotics and AI systems. I would be seen as an independent researcher & data contributor/analyst, with basic prototypic experimental work for my personal learning mainly and eventually to impact others in some way, some collaborative work in online projects would be in progress.
-- I am the sole person affiliated with this company. Projects are still in the early stages of development. Revenue (estimated) (negligible) generated via freelance products/services and third-party ads integrated with my content. I am far from making a living wage from this. Significant investments from others will be sought out by 2025. I also have very small stock investments in other companies. Go to: ‘www.Multidisc-Neurosci-Tech-Ltd.com’ or www.Multidisc-Neurosci-Tech-Ltd.org ; formerly https://sites.google.com/view/multidiscneuroscitechltd/ .
Note that there and independent operations not falling under MNT Ltd, see diagram at the linked webpage.
• All of the above domains involve: reviewing & answering feedback/queries 1-to-1, contributions to team-based project, providing/delivering daily, management of multiple independent small-scale projects, organising portfolios. Peer-review system: screening of my works by platform owners and comments/ratings by users. I provide free open-source content (revenue to be from third parties/advertisers via the publishing platforms), as well as freelance pay-per-service/product activities (revenue to be directly from consumers); and I will be working on attracting other funds via investors/sponsors. Originally set-up some basic conceptual infrastructure in Oct 2016. My company and works are still being developed. Minimal (not significant) revenue (est.) started to be generated as of Aug 2018 and carried on to 2020 (i.e. good growth rate in impact/reach, but small in estimated total revenue worth - and not yet translated into 'cashable' funds due to monetisation thresholds), and with no net profit. Not relevant for corporation tax purposes and annual full accounts/returns. See ‘www.Multidisc-Neurosci-Tech-Ltd.com’ for business model, sources of income/expenses, financial statements, impact statistics/analytics, growth timeline, etc. There is also the value of the assets (e.g. domain names owned, content, etc). Sep 2016 - Nov 2017 (pre-work) (daily), Nov 2017 - Aug 2018 (more main work) (daily), Sep 2018 - Sep 2019 (occasional weekly/monthly), Sep 2019 - Sep 2020 (occasional monthly), Sep 2020 - present (back to it). Jul 2016 - present (-) – Operating under Multidisciplinary Neuroscientific Technologies Ltd (as Founder, sole shareholder, Director, and sole worker) as of Nov 2017 (Incorporation date).
Station Road West, Canterbury, Kent, UK, CT2 8AN.
www.Multidisc-Neurosci-Tech-Ltd.com / www.Multidisc-Neurosci-Tech-Ltd.org
formerly https://sites.google.com/view/multidiscneuroscitechltd/
Independent works
• Participant/Contributor in Experimental Research Studies in Neurosciences (17; more TBC), UCL/KCL/other, UK.
Dec 2017 - Jun 2019 (occasional) (paid).
UCL/KCL/other (UK)
[Dec 2017 - Jun 2019; occasional] (paid)
• Participation (and feedback contributions) in experimental scientific research studies (17, more TBC) in cognitive-behavioural neurosciences.
(including with fMRI, EEG, tDCS, VR, eye-tracking).
• Contributor to (Google DeepMind) DeepMind Health Project, London, UK.
Sep/Oct 2016 (3 weeks part-time) (partially compensated).
DeepMind (Google/Alphabet) (London, UK)
[Sep/Oct 2016; ....
• I provided feedback remotely on the DeepMind Health project with regards to A.I. in medicine and patient involvement.
-- While being in London, I contributed feedback for the Patient & Public Involvement strategy for DeepMind Health projects (projects which apply machine learning (A.I.) & other related computing tools; to healthcare data-sharing, research and clinical practice). {unpaid, some remuneration} {further paid work in 2018 or later onwards TBC}
-- This involved me getting in touch with people, then attending an event, and that day, I spoke to various staff. The event was live streamed. Mainly PPI (public and patient involvement/engagement) for AI applications to healthcare. I then wrote a report (see private Google Drive link), which brainstormed some ideas on. I was NOT directly involved with engineers in developing AI algorithms. I was not 'employed' by them, just casually recruited as a voluntary contributor as they had calls for feedback from people who attended the main event.
DeepMind Technologies Ltd (Google / Alphabet)
6 Pancras Square, London, UK, N1C 4AG
see shared link to private cloud folder G Drive and/or OneDrive and/or Dropbox for more info.
• Tutoring Work (Biology/Science); Queen Elizabeth’s Grammar School, Faversham, UK.
Nov 2010 - Jul 2012 (part-time, weekly/monthly?) (partially compensated).
Tutor in Biology/Sciences
Queen Elizabeth’s Grammar School (Faversham, UK)
[Nov 2010 - Jul 2012; part-time, weekly] (partially compensated)
• Mentoring work included: producing personalised educational resources, e-learning maintenance, as well as helping and being involved in some in-school classes/sessions as an assistant.
-- Producing personalised educational resources, e-learning maintenance; helping and being involved in some in-school classes/sessions.
Organiser & Tutor for weekly/monthly (Biology) Mentoring Club with students, one-to-one or in small groups; occasional helping for other students; occasional Teaching Assistant involvement (shadowing) in classes. Mainly spent time on production and use of personalised computer-based online study resources and exam help; also via using social media.
Abbey Place, Faversham, Kent, UK, ME13 7BQ.
made by HMuzart 2010-2012: QEGS HM http://qegshm.webs.com/
deprecated as of 2021, so see https://sites.google.com/view/qegshm-webs-com-archived
• Taekwondo Sub-Instructor & Representative; Master Wolf’s Taekwondo Academies, Kent County, UK.
Aug 2006 - Jul 2010 (part-time, weekly) (some remuneration).
Taekwondo Sub-Instructor and Representative
Master Wolf’s Taekwondo Academies (Kent County, UK)
[Aug 2006 - Jul 2010; part-time, weekly] (some remuneration)
• Helping/teaching techniques to lower-grade practitioners (as whole groups/classes and one-to-one), and being a representative/competitor in regional & national competitions. My recreational training in Taekwondo and mixed martial arts has been during 2003-2021.
-- Helping/teaching lower-grade practitioners (as whole groups/classes and one-to-one), and being a competitor in regional/national competitions. Recreational training in Taekwondo and mixed martial arts (2003-present).
-- Sub-Instructor & Helper for teaching practical classes and one-to-one training of techniques in patterns & sparring. Level: Red-Black Belt. Member of the ‘International Taekwondo Federation’. Representative & competitor in international competitions (UK). {recreational independent practice from 2003 to present; will aim to become a Black Belt instructor by 2025?}
Locations: Several clubs in Kent/London area, including: Kingsmead Leisure Centre (Kingsmead Road, Canterbury, Kent, UK, CT2 7PH), Hartsdown Leisure Complex MWTA Building (Hartsdown Road, Margate, Kent, UK, CT9 5QX), Ramsgate Leisure Centre (High Street, Ramsgate, Kent, CT11 9TT); Kent Uni halls ; London competitions venues.
Training Activities & Duties: Focused on learning and teaching moves/techniques (while developing fitness, stamina, flexibility & strength). For purposes of self-defence, improving self-confidence & resilience, mental toughness, and developing oneself in general (physically & psychologically (emotionally / intellectually). It also helped my time-management skills and multi-tasking. The techniques (kicking & striking with hands and grappling & locks/holds) are taken from Taekwondo and various other martial art forms. Non-contact sparring, light contact, and full contact (with full protection), is involved. There is also punching bag work and board-breaking. I had to learn Korean terminology (name of moves, counting, etc). You also learn ‘patterns’, sequences of moves ranging from 20-40 moves each; there is one new pattern for each belt level, and these are tested at gradings, and in competitions. I did all this usually 2 or 3 times a week.
Gradings: I took the assessments for the following ranks: White Belt, White-Yellow, Yellow, Yellow-Green, Green, Green-Blue, Blue, Blue-Red, Red, Red-Black (just before 1st Degree Black Belt). These assess all the techniques learnt, by physical demonstration and orally.
Competition Events: Various (4) in Kent and London. Patterns (see above) and sparring (I did mainly point-based combat; with a referee & 4 judges at each corner)
• Mentor & Event Management/Contributor; Barton Court Grammar School, Canterbury, UK. Jan 2007 - Sep 2009 (part-time, weekly/monthly) (some remuneration).
Part of the Head Student Team.
Organiser & Administrator for Student-Staff-Parents Events; (weekly); Customer Relations & Troubleshooting work; Fundraising; Mentoring & Teaching.
Longport, Canterbury, Kent, UK, CT1 1PH
link - me in the news, and physics olympiad, etc
• Laboratory Assistant (Molecular Biology); Pfizer Inc., Sandwich, UK.
Aug 2008 (2 weeks full-time) (some remuneration).
Discovery Park, Ramsgate Rd, Sandwich, CT13 9ND
• Engineering Team Projects; Oxford University, Oxford, UK.
Jul 2008 (1 week full-time) (unpaid).
Team Projects for 'Headstart'.
University of Oxford Department of Engineering Science, Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3PJ
• Tutor (French); St Peter’s Primary School, Canterbury, UK. Oct 2007 - Jun 2008 (part-time, monthly) (unpaid).
St Peter's Grove, Canterbury, CT1 2DH
• Fencing (Epee); various fencing clubs, Kent County, UK. May 2004 - Jul 2007 (part-time, weekly) (unpaid).
-- Helper in classes and representative in competitions. Recreational training during 2003-2009.
Foil/Epee; Setting-up equipment, work with younger fencers. Member of ‘British Fencing’. Representative & competitor in national competitions. {unpaid, some remuneration} {recreational independent practise from 2003 to 2009}
Training and Competitions took place in various places: Locations: Canterbury (Durovernum) (roman name) City Fencing Club, Longport, Canterbury; Mallard Fencing, Chaucer Technology School, Canterbury; Maurice Milner Hall, Borough, Canterbury; King's School Recreation Centre, Canterbury; University of Kent, Canterbury; Other than Canterbury: places in Sturry, Herne Bay, Whitstable, Margate.
• Assistant, Clinical ICT team, NHS Hospital (2 weeks full-time) (unpaid);
(Aug 2006)
Assistant (ICT team), NHS Trust Kent & Canterb. Hospital
+ extra volunteering with school and hospital during that summer time
• Deliveries, KM Group (2 months part-time) (paid);
(Oct - Dec 2006)
Newspaper delivery, KM Gazette Group (Canterbury, Kent)
• Helper, Health Product Marketing, RJW Enterprises (4 months part-time) (paid).;
(May - Aug 2007)
Marketing / Basic market research help, RJW Enterprises (UK-based and France-based)
See also shared linked private Cloud Drive folders .....